A Binance Smart Chain DeFi token


Charging the world

What is Volta?

“Volta will be the cryptocurrency that moves us closer to the future of Solar and Green Technology.”

Volta set forth to push the future of solar and electric technology faster by creating a community that are all involved with creating proposals and voting. Revenue created will be added into the liquidity pool hence taxes and operational cost.

Rug Pull Free

Liquidity: 80/20 Split, 5 Years Locked

Liquidity will be set at 1% buy to prevent whales from buying all supply and dropping the price. Issues with most tokens is that whales can cripple the liquidity hence affecting the price.  Holders become scared that their tokens will become worthless and sell the holdings due to panicking. Volta will set a limit on buying supply and will increase as liquidity becomes more stable for the health of the token.

Liquidity will have a 80% Lock for 5 years to ensure trust that funds will not be removed, while 20% will be available for any uncontrollable expenses or development. Holders will be notified on any movement of funds and why the need of such actions.

Why Volta?

Volta is a community of like minded holders who are looking to move solar and electronic technology further. We’re a peer-to-peer ecosystem, which is decentralized in nature. In other words, no central bank or government regulates or backs it. 

With Volta, you are in control of your finances with your own encrypted account. With security measures, you are more protected from hackers and other means of fraudulent activities. 

Volta desired to create over a 100+ proposals fully financed by the community with the revenue pouring back into the liquidity pool. This will drive the value of tokens up with the tokenomics capability.

Lower transaction fees

With the Binance Smartchain, transaction fees are a much lower cost operation when performing contract transactions. This makes it possible for lower holders to participate.

Community Driven

All projects are voted by the community holders and if approved, projects will be funded by holders. Revenue will be added to liquidity pool increasing the value of the coin.

Earn Tokens as You Hold

Holders will earn tokens as the hold Volta(VTZ).Holders literally can watch their wallet grow from every transaction on the BSC.

Auto Liquidity

The liquidity pool goes with every transaction, increasing the value of the coin. Transactions are limited to 1% of the pool to prevent whales from taking over the supply. ( This will be lifted as liquidity pool grows larger)



✓ Token Creation
✓Contract Verified on BscScan
✓ Added on Pancake Swap
✓ Social Media Accounts Created


1. BSC-Scanner logo application- Processing

2. Volta Kickstarter Dapp- 95% Done

3. Grow a 1000 Holders Community- Processing

4. Start a Liquidity Pool Coin Sale- Processing

Using the Products

1. Community starts using Volta Kickstarter Dapp

2. Apply to Coinmarketcap/Coingecko

3. Mystery Dapp Announcement

4. Mystery Dapp Release

To be unlocked

To be unlocked

To be unlocked

Planet Volta 100,000 Holders


Volta Carries a 10% Tax with every transaction, The tax is broken down in 5 categories.

2% Liquidity

2% Burn

2% Reflections

2% Marketing/Development Wallet

2% Community Treasure Chest Wallet

Community Treasure Chest

2% tax from each transaction are automatically converted into BNBs and goes to the Community Treasure Chest until it reaches the value of 5 Teslas. Once Community Treasure Chest reaches this value, 5 holders will be selected for the prizes. (Terms will be updated at later date)

Our Team

Chuck Wells
Will Ward
Chief of Operations
Ali Wahaj
Blockchain/Dapp Developer


You’re going to need a wallet first and foremost! metamask.io/ offers the most popular and functional option on the market, all available in a browser extension.
Next up, gas. Head to trustwallet.com/ which should provide you the opportunity to buy some Smart Chain BNB. Send that to your Metamask wallet, and you’re ready to trade on Binance Smart Chain.
Head to exchange. pancakeswap. finance/ and click on “Connect or Unlock Wallet” at the top right corner to connect your Metamask wallet. Follow the prompts and allow PancakeSwap to view your accounts and addresses.
Click on “Select a currency” above where it currently says “Enter an amount” and paste in the token contract address: Address Volta.
Press the settings button that you see at the top right corner of the center panel. Adjust slippage to 11% to account for Punanomics. (In case the volume is high, you can increase the slippage in order to confirm your transaction!)

What is the contract ID?


How does Volta work?

A 2% ‘Liquidity pool fee’ to add more liquidity to the pool on pancake swap v2.

A 2% redistribution fee’ for every purchase made existing holders will receive Volta tokens.

A 2% Burn Fee which is sent to a wallet with no withdrawal access to increase value of supply.

A 2% Marketing/Development Wallet; will be used once wallet is able to pay for projects on its own.

A 2% Community Treasure Chest Wallet; once wallet reaches value of 5 Teslas, 5 wallets will be randomly selected for gift. This will happen throughout the existence of this token.

Is Liquidity Locked?

Yes, Locked for 5 years 80/20

What does it mean to have ownership?

Our contract address has been verified on BSC scan.

What is the token distribution?

There is a total supply of 100 billion Punani tokens of which 2.8% has been appointed to the dev-wallet for marketing and coverage of other future costs. This is done to benifit the project and bring more value to the table. 60% of the supply has been used for the pre-sale of which 75% is locked for seven months – which will be extended if the project stays on track -, 33.2% will be provided to the liquidity pool and 4% has been used to pay fees.

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How does It work?

As you Play Games you will Earn VTZ Tokens which grows in value for as funds are added to the tokens liquidity for Ad Revenue. To Earn tokens

You will need to create an account

Choose which game you’ll like to play (Close to 7000 games to choose from)

Play game in full screen to earn tokens

Tokens will also be able to redeem gift cards in the future but now you can cash them in when the price is acceptable to you.

Visit voltavtz.com to learn more about our token or Join VoltaSocial.net and shoot me a message!